Canada-headquartered electric boatbuilder Vision Marine Technologies has partnered with 4Ocean, a marine cleanup company focused on removing plastic and rubbish from the ocean and coastlines.

As a newly anointed 4Ocean ‘Certified Cleanup Partner’, Vision Marine says it is ‘driving a transformative initiative to eliminate plastic waste from our oceans, rivers, and coastlines on a global scale.’

“Vision Marine is determined to lead the way towards a greener future for the boating industry,” says Alex Mongeon, co-founder and CEO of Vision Marine. “Our partnership with 4Ocean exemplifies our commitment to environmental preservation and signifies a new era of collaboration, where companies unite to tackle the critical issue of ocean pollution. We are proud to set a precedent for the industry and showcase how businesses can drive positive change for the planet.”

4Ocean is a for-profit business that runs cleanup operations worldwide. 4Ocean employs full-time captains and crew to clear plastic from the ocean and sort it for recycling and sells products such as clothing and jewellery to fund these clean-up operations. To date, the company says it has removed over 9 million kg of plastic from the ocean.

Alex Schulze, co-founder and CEO of 4Ocean, adds: “It takes true leadership and dedication to ignite change on a global scale. We are thrilled to have Vision Marine as a Certified Cleanup Partner, demonstrating their passion for the oceans and inspiring others in the industry to follow suit. Together, we are charting a course towards a cleaner and healthier marine ecosystem.”

Vision Marine, which recently released its Q3 2023 results, says the new partnership represents the firm’s ‘long-term commitment to sustainable business practices and environmental conservation, setting a powerful example for the industry at large.’

In 2022, MIN reported that a US-based YouTuber and ‘guitartist’ known as Burls Art, had teamed up with 4Ocean to build a custom electric guitar out of recycled ocean plastic ,including discarded straws and bottle tops. Watch the impressive video below:

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