Long term marketing - Mercadeo a largo plazo
Happy customers: Long term marketing
6 years ago, Eva-Kristina bought an old Westerly from Boatshed Portsmouth via Boatshed Barcelona. It was the boat of her dreams, and although she had not gone over to view the boat, all the photos and the boatshed system convinced her that this boat was right for her. In spite of the low value of the boat, she was helped by both Boatsheds involved in any which way we could. Ever since, Eva-Kristina has remained in touch occasionally with Gert Van den Bergh, owner of Boatshed Barcelona, visiting on stands we had at Boatshows and via our page on Facebook .
Over the past 6 years, Eva-Kristina has recommended our services to many people here in Catalonia. She is quite active on different websites talking about her experience restoring the boat and sailing her.
Now, she has had an interview (interview in Spanish only) published about sailing and travelling on board with her family consisting of her husband, her 7-year old son and her dog. At the end of the interview, you’ll also find a reference to Boatshed Barcelona.
Thank you, Eva-Kristina, for being one of our first customers and for recommending us as strongly as you do.
Cliente satisfecho: Mercadeo a largo plazo
Hace 6 años, Eva-Kristina compró un viejo Westerly a través de Boatshed Portsmouth and Boatshed Barcelona. Era el barco de sus sueños, y aunque no fue a verlo en Inglaterra, todas las fotos y el sistema de Boatshed le convencieron que ése era el barco para ella. A pesar de que el valor de la compra era muy escaso, los dos Boatsheds involucrados le asesoraron de todas las maneras posibles. Desde entonces, Eva-Kristina ha mantenido en contacto con Gert Van den Bergh, el propietario de Boatshed Barcelona, visitandolo en estands en Salones Náuticos y a través de nuestra pagina en Facebook.
En los úlimos 6 años, Eva-Kristina ha recomendado nuestros servicios a mucha gente en Catalunya y España. Es muy activa en varios sitios en internet, explicando sus experiencias en la restauración del barco y en sus primeros pasos como navegante.
Ahora, ha se ha publicado una entrevista con ella, sobre la navegación y sobre viajar en barco con su familia, consistiendo de su marido, su hijo de 7 años y su perro. Al final de la entrevista, encontrarás una referencia a Boatshed Barcelona.
Gracias Eva-Kristina, por ser una de nuestras primeras clients y por recomendarnos tan fuertemente.