A first for Boatshed; we could not have expected better from the 37th Southampton Boat Show a ten day extravaganza by the sea, visited by 122,000 people.
Every day the corks continued to pop at Fizz at Five, now a Boatshed institution. The Boatshed team have been counting all the empty bottles and if you would like to win TWO FREE TICKETS to the LONDON BOAT SHOW, email us with the exact number you think we consumed over the ten days. This also includes the number of bottles drunk by the Boatshed team! Email fizz@boatshed.com
Thousands of potential customers and existing clients visited us at Southampton, once again a new record was set for Boatshed.com. The Boatshed sponsored racing boat took pride of place on the stand drawing a huge amount of attention, having secured second place in the 2005 Honda Formula 4-Stroke Championships, the girls from the ‘For Your Eyes Only’ night club were particularly impressed with its size and speed!
Whilst we were having so much fun, 5000 new customers registered with Boatshed.com and a record number of boats were listed across the network. The Boatshed brand awareness is now reaching far and wide. Mandy was also busy ringing the official bell on stand to announce when a boat was sold by Boatshed.com.
The ten days were amazingly successful in every regard, it was fantastic to see you at the show why not join us for more fun and fizz at five at;
The Barcelona International Boat Show on 26th October -2nd November 2005
The London Boat Show 6-15 January 2006.