Boatshed blazes into SeaWork 2008
SeaWork 2008 International Commercial show started on June 10th till June the 12th this week and Boatshed was there again for this annual 3 day event - Stand S50.
The first Boatshed Fizz@five went very well and was visited by Frank & Jo Dixie of PSP celebrating their title sponsorship of this years PSP Southampton Boat show.
PSP shipping
All at Boatshed wish them well with their event in September!
Boatshed has also been helping Boating Business celebrate their 25th Anniversary at Fizz@five and Peter Nash, seen here with Lorraine from Boating Business was presented with his very own bottle of Fizz to take home and enjoy, by our Mandy Chapman.
Boating Business It was in early 1983 that Boating Business was launched in its current form by the then Thrusting Publisher Hall and Editor Nash. So Peter Nash has been part of Boating Business right from the beginning and been a enthusiastic figure known by many.
We wish Boating Business all the success for the next 25 years, although there were rumours that another bottle of fizz may be due before then!
Boatshed have been meeting friends old and new at SeaWork this year and we are still on the look out to find a Broker to run our Boatshed Commercial Business,
Boatshed Commercial - have you got the bottle?
Many thanks to all the team who have looked after us at the show :)